A Little Princess

4.6 (37)
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A Classic for a Reason
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Sara Crewe is a child gifted with a remarkable imagination, intelligence and a doting father. When her father dies, her intelligence is useful certainly, but it is her imagination that really pulls her through the tough times. She wonders in the beginning of the book whether she is actually nice or not, because she has never experienced a hardship. I really loved that when hardship came, she struggled to maintain her princess demeanor. She got angry and wanted to respond spitefully to ill treatment, but made the conscious decision to rise above. This makes Sara feel like a real girl, not like some absurd Pollyanna.

I am always happy to find another book lover, and such is Sara Crewe. One of the most trying moments of the book for her in her battle to keep her temper is when her reading is interrupted: "Never did she find anything so difficult as to keep herself from losing her temper when she was suddenly disturbed while absorbed in a book. People who are fond of books know the feeling of irritation which sweeps over them at such a moment." Delightful.

There was one element of the story that is a bit...odd...from a modern perspective. That is that the Indian servant, Ram Dass, watches Sara while she is inside and even comes into the room while she is sleeping. His intentions are entirely noble and he is doing good. Still...it's hard not to be at least a wee bit creeped out by that these days.

Although a children's book, this classic loses nothing when read by an older audience. I highly recommend this to anyone who believes in magic! Also, if you haven't seen it, definitely check out the 1995 film version, because it manages to capture the magic of the book and even improve upon the story (in my opinion)!
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An All-time Favorite
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A beautiful, poignant book full of imagination, heartbreak, and hope. I read and re-read this book so many times as a girl, my cover fell off. I loved the princess to pauper to princess theme, and the author is skilled at making the reader feel a part of the story from beginning to end. Such a lovely book.
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A Great Read!
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Reader reviewed by Hannah O

The book A
Little Princess
written by Frances Burnett is about a little girl named,
Sara, who learns what it is like to be very rich, and what it is like to be
very poor. In the book Sara starts out as rich little girl who lived in India.
When she had just turned 10, World War II started and her dad had to take Sara
to an old boarding school in England. A year after she had been sent to the
boarding school, Sara found out that her father had died in war. Then she lost
all of her money and became a maid at the boarding school. In the end Sara
learns what its like to be rich and poor.


While reading
this book I realized that Sara is a nice girl with a sweet heart. I think that
the author did a good job of explaining the setting and making it sound very
clear. I think she couldve done a better job of explaining how Sara lost her
money and how her dad died. I recommend this book to girls who like reading
about adventures. I give this book 5 stars

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What a Great Book!
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Reader reviewed by Haley

A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett is an emotional book.  This book is about a young girl who learns to be true to herself and never give up.  I would recommend this book to people who like to explore feelings in books.  Sara, the main character, goes through some difficult experiences.  Her parents died, and she is sent off to boarding school.  She becomes a maid and isn't treated fairly by her boarding school master.  Sara makes a friend who teaches her that it is okay to just be yourself and believe in yourself.  I would rate this book an 3 out of 5.  Wow! This book is an amazing and heartfelt book.  
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For the princess in each of us!
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Reader reviewed by GRgenius

The focus in the story is on the life of young Sara Crewe.  She is a daughter of wealth thanks to her father's generosity and having such freedoms as money will allow, often times can be found presenting herself with an air of nobility (hence the title).  Growing up without a mother as she had tragically passed away when she was born, her father is everything to her as she is to also to him. 

Upon her 11th birthday, misfortune reaches its hand back into her life, snatching away that remaining connection to which she so fondly held.  Not only is her father now gone, but she is told that the money is nonexistant, thus leaving her in the unfriendly hands of Miss Minchin at her boarding school.  All is not lost to this fair child, even though others would strive to squelch her spirit.  Throughout the worst of times, she keeps her head held high (as any true princess should) and in the end, discovers truths that were kept hidden from her.

Enjoyable for readers of all ages.  Happy reading!

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It made me cry
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Reader reviewed by Sarima89

I really like this book. Is really good, really good written, a beautiful and heartbreaking story.
That poor girls suffers a lot, and you wish you could help her, hug her and make her feel better, to tell her that evrything is gonna be ok.
This is a classic for me, and it made me cry and cry and cry. You should definetely read it.

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An amazing and fantastical tale
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Reader reviewed by TBTELLY

I absolutely adored this book and the movie was pure enjoyment. The richness of the characters and the underlying moral of the story was pure and true. It was a captivating story throughout that reels in its readers and makes them want more. Every child should have this book in their memory and remember what life is all about.
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A Wonderful Tale of a Girl
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Reader reviewed by BookBegger

Captain Crewe brings his 7 year old daughter, Sara, to MISS MICHIN, SELECT SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES where Sara will stay for next few years. Miss Michin, the headmistress, gives Sara her own play room, a maid, a pony, carriage and anything she wants. Sara learns more of her mothers language (French) though she knew it her whole life, finds friends and makes more of her wonderful stories. Four years later Captain Crewe dies from Jungle fever in India leaving Sara penniless. Sara stays at the seminary not as a pupil but as a teacher for the younger students. Then an ill Indian gentleman moves into the building next door, this gentleman has been looking for a special little girl for two years not knowing her name but only knowing that he HAS to find her. What girl is he looking for? What will happen to Sara?

This book is wonderful story of a used-to-be-rich, now orphan girl that didnt know how it was to be poor or hungry until her father died. Not only was A Little Princess a beautifully written story that kept my attention the whole day through, but it also made me grateful for doctors, electricity, and heaters that keep you warm through cold snowy days. Frances Hodgson Burnett inspires me to read more of her books such as The Secret Garden and Little Lord Fauntleroy.

I am sure that everyone will enjoy the wonders of Sara Crewe and her friends. Generations of people enjoyed this book when it was first published in 1905 and I hope that they would agree with me about this book.

This book is a wonderful story for all ages.
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Another childhood favourite
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Reader reviewed by Nic

Sarah is a big-hearted, imaginative young girl whose father is an army officer. They have a wonderful life together, rich with not just money, but love and fun. When Sarah's father goes off to war, he enrolls her in a boarding school with a bitter headmistress who disapproves of Sarah's imagination and free spirit.

One day, Sarah recieves the terrible news that her father has been killed in action, and Sarah must become a servant at the school since she no longer has her father's money. Although she now lives in a cold attic and does servant's labor, Sarah's spirit and imagination are alive and well.

This is a sweet, beautiful story about the resilience of the human spirit, and how kindness and friendship can take you through anything.
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Poor Girl
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Reader reviewed by Samantha Watt

I read this book when i was little, and still love it!

This is the story of a girl who is rich and has a loving father who is sent to war. She has such a good talent for telling stories too.

But one day the news reaches her that her father is dead or missing and she gets stripped of everything she has.

She then becomes a servant, and for a rich girl to become a servant is kind of harsh and hard.

In the end it is a happy ending, though i got scared when she ran out of the window. But she find her dad in the end, he was the blind guy next door whose memory was lost.
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