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Young Adult Fiction 630
You're Not Supposed to Die Tonight Review
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I've read a couple of Kalynn's fantasy books and while I liked them, I never loved them. So I saw she did a horror book and thought, let's do this. And oh my goodness - I hope she stays with horror. This wonderful ode to 80s-90s slasher films was a huge success with me. This was another physical book I finished so fast because I just had to know. That's how you know you did horror right. A horror book shouldn't be slow or boring but detailed and captivating, which this book was. The mystery and suspense was perfectly balanced. I thought there was going to be a twist and the end, and to my satisfaction - there was not. The only reason why this isn't getting a 5 star from me is because I'm still a little iffy on the epilogue. Not the person who survived but the very, very, very last sentence. I really don't know how I feel about it.

Charity is our final girl and I loved her. Especially in the beginning of the book where she doesn't fall for mundane horror movie traps. However, when stuff really begins to happen, she has to compromise. But that's what works out well. Charity doesn't go for the immediate tropes in horror where it's easy to get picked off but combines her knowledge with intuition. I thought she was a very flushed out character and I'm glad this was told from her point of view. All of the characters were really well done, but Charity definitely shines.

Overall, You're Not Supposed to Die Tonight by Kalynn Bayron was a hit for me. I really hope she does more horror because I thought she nailed this book. I really enjoyed the atmosphere and ode to classic slasher films. Bayron did a good job flushing this novel out and sticking to what it was supposed to be instead of trying to add in ridiculous twists. Charity was a great main character and I thought she was very well written. Everything fell into place as a horror novel should. My only hesitation with this book is the epilogue - I really don't know how I feel about it. I would absolutely recommend this book to anyone who is a horror fan, especially if you love the classic slasher films.
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