Review Detail

5.0 2
Young Adult Fiction 277
Beautifully written story!
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
I like the way the plot unfolds and how Ximena has to deal with everything that comes her way. She learns a lot about where she comes from and what the power in her family was made from. One of my favorite concepts in fiction and IRL is when a young woman or whoever has to come to terms with the reality of where their wealth originated from and how they got to be where they are at. How they handle that new knowledge says a lot about their character and what they value, so kudos to Isabel Ibanez for handling that in this novel! plus the way Ximena's skills play into her solving conflicts and overcoming obstacles is really interesting!
Good Points
I liked the pretty writing style and the plot was compelling. The characters are rich with life.
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