Review Detail

4.8 12
Young Adult Fiction 641
One of the best books I've read recently
Overall rating
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
Reader reviewed by Debbie

This was an awesome book!  Ive been wanting to read it for ages and it
finally came in for me at the library.  I started it last night stayed
up late to finish it because I could not put it down.  Guy seemed like
the perfect, well, guy.  He is so sweet and considerate to Willow
without seeming like a push over.  Willow was  a little irritating but
totally understandable after what she went through.    I think it was
obvious to everyone but Willow that her brother, David, did not blame
her for her parents deaths but the interplay between David and Willow
was still interesting to watch through out the story.  Its hard not to
give away too much but this was a wonderful book that I highly suggest
to both teens and adults.

Reprinted here with author's permission.

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