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4.2 48
Young Adult Fiction 641
Wicked GOOD
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Reader reviewed by Kaycee Joy

  Aislinn has lived by strict rules all her life, as did her grandmother
and mother... ignore the faeries, do not attract them and do not speak
to them. All of a sudden, after following them so well, they are
becoming harder to follow. Aislinn is Sighted and notices she is being
followed by two faeries. Just as things were going well with her beau
Seth, her world is ripped from her. She has three options once the
faerie Summer King, Keenan, has chosen her and none of them include
going back to her normal, mortal life.

  Anyone who enjoys the battle between dark and good faeries, this was a
good read. Those who love Holly Blacks books as much as I do will also
enjoy Melissa Marr's books, it reminded me VERY much of Tithe and Ironside (especially
when comparing Keenan and Aislinn to Kaye and Roiben and their
struggles with the two courts). I really enjoyed this book, but
surprisingly it took my a couple chapters to get me going or interested.

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