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4.2 48
Young Adult Fiction 642
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Reader reviewed by Allison Fraclose

Like her mother and grandmother, Aislinn was born with the ability to see fairy folk, who cavort in the streets and taunt the mortals who are unaware of their presence. For the past two weeks, shes been followed by two particular ones who seem more powerful than the resta pale girl who rides a wolf and a male with coppery hair and the shine of the sun within his skin&

Keenan, the king of the Summer court, has dreamt about her, and Aislinn is next in a long line of mortal girls who may be the sleeping Summer Queen. His mother, the Winter Queen, had him bound at birth so that his power could never overcome her own&

Donia, the last of Keenans girls to take up the challenge, now holds the chill of the Winter Queen inside her. Bound by the oath she took when she picked up the staff, Donia must make sure that Aislinn will not trust Keenan, no matter if she is the sleeping queen or not&

The fate of the entire Summer courtand humanity itselfrests with the outcome of this game, played over the past nine centuries. But now, with Aislinn as the new player, aided by her Sight and her love for another mortal, the outcome may be different this time. This deliciously written book kept me riveted until the games thrilling end.
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