Review Detail

4.9 7
Young Adult Fiction 714
Sisterly Love
Overall rating
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
Reader reviewed by Nadine-Stella

Overview[from the back cover]
Have you seen Nina? Nina was beautiful, artistic, wild&and adored by her younger sister, Ellie. But one day, without any warning, Nina disappeared. Two years later, Ellie cant stop thinking about her sister. Although everyone else has given up hope that Nina will return, Ellie just knows her sister is out there, somewhere. If only Ellie had a clue where to look. And then she gets one, in the form of a mysterious drawing tucked into the pages of a book. Determined to find her sister, Ellie takes off on a crazy, sexy, cross-country road trip with the only person who believes shes got a chance her hot, adventurous new crush. Along the way, Ellie finds a few things she wasnt planning on. Like love. Mysteries. Lies. And something far more shocking& the truth.

Wherever Nina Lies was terribly amazing. Lynn Weingarten is terribly amazing. I greatly enjoyed this book, such an original plot and story line. The way the plot carried out, Im pretty sure Ive never read anything like it before. I was impressed, especially at how some of the minor details played a greater role later on in the book, and how each clue presented before Ellie was truly connected to the next.
I like how Lynn wrote about finding a lost sister, instead of a lost love or something cliché. Although love did play a part in Ellies life, it took a back seat to her finding Nina.
Sean was definitely a psychopath. He was too good to be true. I knew there wasnt a girl out there who could stumble upon the perfect guy, even it books, there always turns out to be something wrong with then, and in Seans case, lets just say Ellie was a brave, brave girl. Amanda was a true friend, and so was Brad. They were both just very worried for Ellie, and Amanda was probably jealous too. Nina sounded like lots of fun. One of those people youd love to be associated with. Ellie was pretty cool too.  I loved that she followed her heart, and mind and also how she kept hope alive.
Overall, I really really really really liked this book. I would definitely recommend it to everyone. Its really sweet.
I also liked the pictures, who doesnt love a pictured chapter book? Since this was an ARC, I only saw the first picture, but I think they were a great way to get the reader to see what Ellie saw and it just made it easier to connect.
One thing I just dont get is why Nina never called. I mean she didnt have to disclose her location or anything like that but just to call or even leave a message saying, Hello mom and Ellie, Im fine. Dont worry about. I mean it would have made all the difference to Ellie.

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