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4.9 7
Young Adult Fiction 713
The Mysterious Disappearance of Nina Wrigley
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Did you ever read a book that, despite how implausible the plot is, you MUST keep on reading?  Well, Wherever Nina Lies, Lynn Weingartens debut novel is just such a book.  I couldnt put it down. 


Ill give you only the sketchiest summary of the plot because I dont want to ruin anything.  Ellie Wrigleys sister, Nina, disappeared two years ago.  For a while Ellie tried to find her, but had no luck and no clues. 


Ellies friend, Amanda, works at The Attic, a thrift shop.  Every Friday, the owner buys boxes of whatever, paying by the pound.  Ellie, at the shop to pick up Amanda after work, is rummaging through a box and finds, tucked in a book, a drawing done by her sister.  Shes in shock.  But of course, now she needs to find out who brought the box into the store.  Searching the surveillance video, she finds the person and sees that he put a notice on the store bulletin board, which advertised a demolition party that night.


Ellie drags Amanda to the party where she briefly meets cute, funny Sean.  The next day, he comes looking for her at Ma Coeur, the coffee shop Ellie works at.  Theres an instant connection.  Ellie tells Sean about Nina and the new discovery.  His agreement to help locate Nina begins a one-week cross country search.


There is so much more to this story, twists and turns, which keeps the suspense level high.  Despite the implausibility of the plotcome on, how many sixteen year olds would drive cross country with a perfect stranger, what mother would barely notice that she hasnt seen or heard from her teenage daughter for a weekI had to keep on reading because I knew something was amiss.  Weingartens description of Ellies feelings is right onhow can Ellie give up finding her older sister who she idolized.  Her description of people and places is well done.  The action moves along swiftly.  The story takes place in a week and theres a lot going on.  Weingarten deftly puts some hints in the book, but I doubt youll figure it out.  And finally, while the ending is somewhat abrupt, you wont be disappointed.  Wherever Nina Lies is an entertaining, suspenseful mystery.  Enjoy it and let me know if you guess the ending.

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