Review Detail

Young Adult Fiction 267
A Powerful Story about Recovery and Strength
Overall rating
Writing Style
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Marcus saved Evie's life, and now she never wants to see him again. UNFORGIVABLE picks up right where INVINCIBLE left off, with Evie in danger and Marcus the only one who realizes it. But once she's in the clear, Marcus finds that his life is now devoid of the girl that was the most important thing in the world to him. When his life starts falling apart, Marcus works to pick up the pieces and put it back together.

Written in poetic prose that follows Marcus through time - as a child, to a young teen, back to his time with Evie and his present without her - UNFORGIVABLE is a powerful story. The unique narrative style takes a little getting used to, but following the chapter headings clues the reader in to what time period Marcus is in on each new page. Marcus' stream-of-consciousness narrative for the "You" chapters are, in particular, beautiful and heart-wrenching. Overall the writing is gorgeous and romantic while still remaining authentic for a teenage voice.

As Marcus works to find out who he is without Evie and put the pieces of his life back together, the writing style slowly changes along with him. As his head clears of pain, the writing also becomes more solid and linear. When Marcus encounters Evie and is again rejected by her, his thoughts spiral out of control, and the writing style follows. I absolutely loved this attention to detail and character depth that the author worked into the novel.

The Verdict: UNFORGIVABLE is a powerful conclusion to a duology about recovery, change, and personal strength. I highly recommend it for fans of Gayle Forman and John Green.
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