Review Detail

4.3 13
Young Adult Fiction 206
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Finally an angel book that I really really enjoyed! It wasn’t cheesy, and the religious aspect wasn’t overdone, in fact it was barely mentioned, like angels are just another supernatural entity. Clara, our main character, is a quarter angel and she’s just received her purpose…kind of. She gets visions of who she’s suppose to be protecting, but no other details. Of course her purpose involves a beyond gorgeous teenage boy, but too bad he and Clara are in two completely different social circles. I actually really liked that despite being an angel, Clara isn’t completely irresistible to humans. She has to struggle for his attention just like any other girl, except maybe his bitchy girlfriend.

Another thing I really liked about Unearthly is that Clara’s mom is actually involved. There’s no “wait, and where are the parents?” moments during this book. Clara’s mom is present and involved with Clara’s life and is trying to help her as much as possible in her own secretive way. They have a great relationship and are completely hilarious together in the beginning. Especially when they’re trying to come up with worse names the mean kids can call her other than “Bozo.” Their relationship isn’t all sunshine and rainbows though; they have their fights, but Clara’s mom is always there. I am very curious about what she’s hiding though.

Now, back to the beyond gorgeous teenage boy. He’s suppose to be all business for Clara, but of course she tries to mix in a little bit of pleasure. Is that such a good idea? I didn’t think so, especially when there’s a perfectly nice boy who’s obviously genuinely interested in her. And she’s obviously genuinely interested in him. Gotta love love triangles! Although we don’t get to see much of her relationship developing with Christian (beyond gorgeous teenage boy), but it is there. We do get a whole lot of Clara and Tucker though. I loved how they did normal things, and just hung out, no pressure. It felt like they had a real connection, rather than the one with Christian, which is something else entirely.

I love Clara’s friends! This doesn’t seem to happen to often for me. I always tend to find at least one friend utterly irritating or flat, but not here. Wendy is a sweetheart and befriends Clara right away. Clara might not be able to be 100% honest with her, but I think they have a solid friendship. Plus she’s party responsible for pushing Clara and Tucker together, so yay Wendy! Then there’s Angela, whom I adore. She’s quirky and smart, and a little mysterious. I definitely need to learn more about her! Clara has a brother who I felt was just kind of…there, until about 3/4 through the book when I went “huh, I wonder what’s up with that?” Looking forward to finding out the answer to that, too.

The last 40ish pages, wow. Intense. I have no clue where this story is going, but I need to find out ASAP!
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