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4.3 13
Young Adult Fiction 203
Unearthly (A Room with Books review)
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Let me just start by saying that I got so much more from this book than I expected. I've been starting to lose faith in angel books lately (pun unintended). It's always about how they're fallen but they want to be good and a war between good and evil and yadda yadda yadda. While there was a little of that in Unearthly, it didn't dominate the story line. And I love the bit about the wings, but I shan't spoil that for you.

And by golly, the descriptions! I, for one, hate the country and will proudly proclaim myself a city girl. The descriptions of Jackson Hole had me wanting to pack up and go enjoy the beauty of it all on the spot though. I have a feeling the next time I find myself in somewhere like Montana or the like I'll take a second look at my surroundings instead of moaning and groaning for a city.

To sum up, this book was fantastic. I was flipping pages like no other hungry for what was to come. It also kept me guessing a bit, surprising me with thing I didn't see coming. My one negative thing was synopsis made it seem as if Clara was somewhat of a bad-girl which I didn't get from her. That wasn't part of the actual book though, so it doesn't factor in much.
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