Review Detail

4.4 116
Young Adult Fiction 1672
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Reader reviewed by Cowgirl

What would you think if you could live in a world that almost everyone who was past the age of 16 was pretty? In Tally's world, that was what happened. Indulge yourself in this futuristic book where when you are 16 you get an operation that will change your life, for the better, or for the worse.

Tally is excited for the operation. However, her new good friend is not so excited. Her friend escapes to the Smoke and leaves disguised directions for Tally to get her their. When Tally is taken by the "Specials" and is told that she wont be able to turn pretty until she finds her friend and brings her back. If Tally follows through with the plan, she will be betraying not only her friend but the whole community. Will Tally do it, or will she learn what it really means to be pretty? Find out in "Uglies."
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