Twilight (Twilight #1)

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Beautiful beginning
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Reader reviewed by Tori Phillips

What a wonderful debut for a writer with an interesting dream in hand! Based on a dream she had before her sons learned to swim, Stephenie Meyer dreamed of a vampire with a mortal girl whose blood he thirsted for. Inspired, she wrote a novel in which a girl named Bella moves in with her father. New town means new school. On the first day, she is attracted to a unusual looking boy who lives with a sister and cousins as well as an aunt and uncled. Although Edward tries to avoid her, what would turn into passionate romance turns into life threatening battles.....Read this outstanding book to figure out what happens to Bella and Edward.
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No better book than Twilight
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Reader reviewed by lia

Twilight is the story of Edward and Bellas romance.
It is a very unique book, you cannot stop reading it and the characters feel so real that you think they are real. The book is told from Bella's point of view and so Edward and his family mystery that will be unraveled throughout the end of book and trust me the Cullen's world is fantastic. Forget any other vampire story you have read Twilight is very, very unique and you will always be thirsty for more!
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Reader reviewed by AbbyLiz

This book was one of the best books I have read in quite a long time. Filled with a wonderous love story, this novel captures the young mind and shows how love can be extremly strong. Alice stole the show for me in the novel with her way of making Bella feel at ease; this novel is the perfect example of good friendships and strong love. :D
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Simpily Amazing!
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Reader reviewed by Crissa

Twilight is the best book I've read in a LONG time!!! I only started to read the book because I had a report to do on it for English, but when I opened the book and started to read; I couldn't stop!!
Twilight starts as Bella, (the main character) moves to Forks to live with her dad. She starts a new school, meets tons of new people, yet it's not enough. The beautiful, flawless Edward Collins is the one she can't keep her eyes off of.
Bella's a clumsy one, and Edward always seems to be right there; at the right time. As time passes on, Bella falls in love with Edward, soon after finding out he's a vampire. Though Bella knows being with Edward is a danger, she doesn't care. Things seem to be perfect, but as we all know, perfection doesn't last a lifetime.

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Fave book of all times!
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Reader reviewed by valerie

twilight is a sotry about a young girl who moved to forks to live with his father.there, she meets a mysterious pale-looking attractive boy who seemed to hate her when he first sees her. she soon discovers that he is a vampire and his family but they are the different kind. she soon learns that she is irrevocably in love with him and so is he. but obstacles keep coming on the star-crossed lovers. while playing baseball one day at the field, three nomad vampires gets in their and one of them, james who is a tracker and hunter, smells bella's delicious scent. edward and his family tries to take her away somewhere far from there. however, he finds her and tricked her into him. at then end edward found where bella and james were and tried killing him because he had hurt bella and bit her. at then end bella was saved! :)

this book was awesome. best book i have ever read...yet. stephenie meyer did an amzing job on writing this. i loved evry single part of this book. it got me addicted and never let me put this book down. even though this book was published three years ago, many teenagers read this. i recommend it to evryone. even the guys. =D
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Loved it!
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Reader reviewed by GirlwiththeBraids

17-year-old Isabella Swan left her home where she lived with her mother in Phoenix to live with her father in Forks, Washington. She didnt know when she could get used to the change in her surroundings, but she soon makes friends. What Bella is stuck on and confused about, though, is that family of five beautiful people that sit by themselves during lunch, especially the handsome bronze-haired boy, Edward Cullen. She becomes friends with Edward, though there is still too much about him that she doesnt know. While they are falling in love, Bella soon finds out that Edward and his family are& vampires.

After hearing all the talk about the new Twilight movie I decided to read the book and I wasnt disappointed! The love Edward and Bella shared was indescribable and real. Bellas perspective on everything was fun to read about and the way Edward did things left me tongue-tied. I stayed up to two in the morning thinking, Just finish this chapter. As you can imagine, I read more than just that one chapter. Everything pulled together so nicely that I didnt even have any questions at the end. I dont want to the read the next book because I want to know what happens. I need to know.
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a love story with bite!
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Reader reviewed by rudra bhatt :)

Isabella swan never really fitted in with the group. Her parents had a divorce so she was living in phoenix with her mother. Then she went to the tiny town of Forks to live with her father. As Bella came to Forks things changed. She never expected to find the love of her life here. She went to Forks High School, where she made many new friends. Though she didnt like having them around they were very happy they had a new student in their school. There was one group that caught Bellas eyes though. The Cullens she heard her friends whisper. There was something about them that Bella couldnt quite get. They were beautiful. There skin was pale white and ice cold. She knew it was ice cold because just yesterday Edward Cullen had saved her from a deadly car accident. She didnt know how, he was so far a way and just in a fraction of a second he was there beside her saving her from the car that was about to squash her.
As Bella and Edwards relationship grew she found out Edward was a vampire, he loved the scent of Bellas blood because there was something different about it and that if he lost his control he could kill her any second. Edward had brothers and sisters as well. Their names were Alice, Emmett Jasper, and Rosalie. Alice could tell the future and she saw that Bella would soon be part of their vampire family, but Alice wasnt always right sometimes her predictions could be wrong. Jasper could change peoples emotions whenever he wanted to. Emmett was incredibly strong and Rosalie was extremely beautiful; she was the most beautiful girl Bella had ever seen. Of course Edward had a special power as well. He could read peoples minds. There was something different though when he tried to read Bellas for some reason he couldnt read her mind at all.
One day Edward took Bella to pay baseball with his family. There were different vampires there at tat time in Forks and they heard the Cullens playing so they came to join. They noticed Bella the human. Her blood scent caught their attention, but Edward protected her. So thats when the game began, the trackers (vampires who ate humans) followed Bella. Then one of them got her alone in a ballet studio and was going to kill her without Edward being able to protect her. Could this be a start to something new? A myth? Something that the human world has never discovered Will Bella still live? Are the Cullens going to be able to protect her now? Find out yourself by reading Twilight (the best book ever!), and you can keep on going with this next book in the Twilight saga&New Moon.

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A Romance Worth Your Time
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Reader reviewed by TheBookworm

A Romance Worth Your Time

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
Publication Date: September 2006
5 out of 5 stars
PG - Violence and Brief Profanity

Isabella Bella Swan is leaving her warm Arizona home for the cloudy, dreary town of Forks, Washington. Not like she had much of a chose. She was obviously tainting her mothers happiness. Moving in with Charlie (Dad) seemed like a reasonable (well, only) option. Bella is expecting a boring, long stay with few reprieves from the small town everyone-knows-everyone elses-business atmosphere. What she didnt expect was to fall in love& with a vampire.

Twilight was a great teenage romance with a nice little paranormal touch.

Every page ran smoothly into the next. There was never a good okay, I can take a bathroom break now moment. The days didnt mush together to form one confusing nightmare, but a smooth escalation to the next climatic point.

Bella and Edward were both likeable and human. Their emotions and facial expressions sometimes told more than the dialogue. Both were unique and clearly stood out in the crowd, even if they didnt notice it happening. Their ability to almost always do the complete opposite of what you expected made them extremely enjoyable to follow. Their unpredictability always had you guessing, no matter what the size or the importance of the matter.

There was no sexual content. They could kiss and say I love you and mean it. They didnt even need to talk, they could say I love you just by enjoying each others company in utter silence. Bella and Edward daily lived the motto: live, laugh, love. All these things made their love all the more sweeter, purer, and truer. They didnt just like each other or plan on just having a little fling, they loved each other.

Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13

I suggest this book to any reader, be you 12 or 30.

Date Reviewed: December 2nd, 2008

For more book reviews and information, check out my website at
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move over Anne Rice
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Reader reviewed by 3holidaybabies

I so do not like romance novels! I will read just about anything I can get my hands on, but have never liked the romance ones at all! Until now! Ok Meyers where have you been hiding, & why have you been hording all of this talent to yourself! You gots sum splaining to do Stephenie.
Bella & Edward...where to begin... I think every girl wants to be Bella now! I haven't seen so many kids reading since Potter! Stephenie what can I say...YOU ROCK!!!
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Reader reviewed by Tia

''I loved this book so much!! it was written so beautifully. i felt like i was the main character Bella, when she creid so did i when she loved so did I. This book is my favorite book ever.

Bella falls in love with a vampire! what a prediciment! I cant really say anything else because i really do not want to give this book away all i have to say is that this book is amazing and that you have to read it you will love it.
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