Review Detail

5.0 1
Young Adult Nonfiction 190
My Tricks Review
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OMG talk about a bumpy ride on an emotional path! I felt like this book showed me places I am not sure I wanted to go, but at the same time it was exactly what I needed to read. I could not believe some of the injustices these five teens faced in their lives. It was heart wrenching and I definitely shed more than a couple tears while reading this book.

Hopkins opens a whole new world up to us in this book. She shows us the difficulties of being dealt the wrong hands in life. The five teens in this book (Seth, Whitney, Ginger, Cody, and Eden) go through what no person in this world should ever have to face. They are introduced to drugs, sex, loneliness, and fear. I could not help but feel devastated for each one of them.

I personally love the issues that Hopkins brings up in her books. I feel that there are people out there who need to read about things like this to get them out of their box. I cannot tell you just how shocking it is to read some of the things in this story. I had to put this novel down a couple of times and compose myself. It just touches a part of your soul that will never forget. The saddest part about it is that this is actually happening every day. I just cannot imagine people out there in these situations!

The character I felt the most connected to was Eden. She was such a good person. All she wanted was to be with the person she loved. I was devastated when her parents pawned off her love as a sin and sent her away. The injustices she had to face because of their “righteous” ways was appalling. It makes you question peoples faith. How can “your God” be ok with a choice like that? It made me sick to my stomach to read about her downward spiral as a result of her parents “faith”. Although the end of this story left off inconclusive, I really hope that she finds her way back to love.

I would definitely recommend this book to readers. Hopkins has a was of writing her books so that it opens your eyes to the injustices of the world around you. I cannot tell you how many tears I have shed reading her stories. Each and everyone have touched my a place in my heart. If only a wish could solve the problems of the world. I also have to commend her for writing the story about her daughter and how life’s situations have also affected her family and her.
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