Review Detail

3.0 2
Young Adult Fiction 216
Favorable Debut.
Overall rating
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I have to be honest and say, this wasn't my favorite book. The idea of incorporating a sci-fi element into the mythology was interesting but if you're not a fan of zombies or necromancers (like me) than this probably isn't the book for you. As a whole, the story felt rushed and the world building was a little lacking. I also didn't think the main character, Jodi was as tough as she needed to be especially for someone whose been chosen to play such an important role. In fact, she came across rather whiny. Alex was a much stronger character but I couldn't help feeling like he never quite made it out of the "stalker" role he played in the beginning.

I know that this is the first book in this series so hopefully, the next installment will amp up the details and the "badness".
Good Points
Pretty cover.
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