Review Detail

4.2 6
Young Adult Fiction 260
A real page-turner, you’ll be hooked from the first page!
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Wow! I can’t even begin to tell you how addicted and in love I am with this book. I seriously didn’t know what to expect going in, but I was pleasantly surprised. I loved everything about this book. It has love, sexual appeal, mystery, action, paranormal intrigue, The Works!

Accardo did an excellent job of creating a very realistic world of mutants (that’s the term I’m going to go with) reminiscent of X-Men or Heroes (evil corporation that tracks down all the mutants), so if you love them, you’ll devour this book. Deznee is the definition of the female character I love and adore. She is strong, determined, smart, witty, feisty, and fun. A rebellious teen at heart, she makes her own rules and looks out for herself. You’ll love her attitude and perspective on life, family, and love; she truly brings a refreshing take to the world of Young Adult nowadays.

All of Accardo’s characters were well-written and I adored sweet and innocent Kale. While reading this, he reminded me of Kyle from Kyle XY (loved that show), a curious, sexy guy hidden from the real world, with amazing super powers. Kale and Deznee’s relationship is crazy good from the moment they first see each other until the epic ending, I honestly couldn’t put this book down.

I’ve always been a sucker for stories about mutants and special powers. It’s more believable in the real world when genetics is such a volatile thing, you never know when the human gene is going to act up and spawn a new generation of people with special abilities. You’ll see people who can move things with their mind (telekinesis), shape-shift, prophecies, lie-detectors, etc. I loved the special abilities Accardo gave to her characters and you keep wondering what special power will show up next.

Trust me, you need to read this book. If you’re a fan of any of the references I mentioned above then you will devour this book like I did. Not only does Accardo thrill you with the world of the Sixes and their special abilities, she lures you in further with intimate, downright steamy scenes between Dez and Kale that leaves you wondering “Is she really allowed to write that?!?!”. Super addicting, wildly engaging, all mixed in with quite a few laughs, Jus Accardo will get you addicted to Touch and have you begging for more!
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