Review Detail

4.5 7
Young Adult Fiction 456
Ready for Death?
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When I read the blurb of this book, I didn't really think very much of it, just, you know, this is going to be one of those books where the world is ending and the only people who survive are the main character and her lover. So I kind of put off reading it.

But I was completely wrong. Yes, it did actually turn out that everyone died except the main character and her lover, but it was so much more than that. It is such a chilling book that really draws you in and then breaks your heart.

I loved the main character because you know how they are usually the very determined, strong, survivor kind. That is not Sloane at all. Actually, she has been looking for a way to get out of her miserable life. She only joined up with the six others because she never thought that they would survive. But they did, and now she has to look for other opportunities to kill herself. But motivation to keep living keeps showing up.

When the blurb said: "Six month ago, her world collapsed," I thought it meant that the zombies had been around for six months, and that she had been dealing with them for six months, but actually it meant that her sister, who was her hero, left her and it broke her.

Don't be misled by the "zombie" part. Actually, this book is barely about the zombies at all. They only appear at the very beginning, a little in the middle, and at the end. The book is more about the world inside, and how it is just as dangerous as the world outside. Actually, it's not the walking dead that really makes you shiver, its what is happening inside.

This book is a really freaky thriller that will break your heart and chill you at the same time. The cliff-hanger at the end, oh my god, I was just like: "Are you serious? Are they gonna die? What happens next?" I am definitely going to be thinking about this book for the rest of my life, it is such a moving and chilling book.

I don't recommend this book to the faint-hearted, because some parts are quite scary.

I hope this review makes you desperately want to read this book. Trust me. You should. It is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!!!
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