Review Detail

2.8 2
Young Adult Fiction 276
Good premise but didn't blow me away.
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
What I liked:
Ren's strength: She knew how to work hard, she made courageous moves.
Her loyalty to her "sister" Aven. Ren met her when they were in the orphanage, she was Ren's first friend, and Ren worked so hard to find her after they were seperated. Aven is sick and Ren does the races, and she is a mole because she works for medicine.
The spark between Ren and Derek. It was very subtle and it didn't overpower the story at all. It was an almost there thing.

What I didn't like:
The lack of world building. For me, I just didn't understand this washed out world. What caused it, how it is different, and more about the disease. We find out a little more as the story goes on, but I was very confused a lot in the beginning.
The language wasn't well defined and I didn't know where the words were coming from. Seemed out of context.
The amount of technical description, especially of the mobile racers. It completely was over my head.
The descriptions of the action didn't sit right with me. I didn't know what was going on.

Bottom Line: Good premise but didn't blow me away.
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