Review Detail

3.8 63
Young Adult Fiction 537
A wonderful book
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Reader reviewed by Alisa

     The title of this book is The Pigman. There are three main characters of this story. The characters names are John, Lorraine, and The Pigman. In the beginning of this story the two young teenagers, John and Lorraine, make a prank call to an old mans house. They tell the old man they are part of a fundraiser and they need donations. The old man is tries to be generous by invited the teenagers to his house to donate them money. The two teenagers and the old man become close. Lorraine and John visit the old man at his house everyday. They called the old man Pigman because he collected pigs, but his real name was Mr. Pignati. The Pigman also had a monkey named Bobo who lived at the local zoo.


     A main event in this story was when John and Lorraine find out the old mans wife had died years ago. Another main event in this story was when Mr. Pignati had a heart attack. When he had the heart attack, which was from rolling skating in the house with John and Lorraine, he left the house to them. The two teenagers decide to have a party in Mr. Pignatis house that turns into a disaster.


     I really liked this story. Although the ending was horrible, I really liked it. My favorite part was when John and Lorraine are searching through Mr. Pignatis house and they decide to dress up. They were pretending to be married and John throws Lorraine on the bed and kissed her.


      It was a very interesting story. I would definitely read it again.

I really recommend the book The Pigman. It is actually one of my favorite books.


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