Review Detail

3.8 63
Young Adult Fiction 537
The Pgman
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Reader reviewed by Jade of West Virginia

     This is a book about two high school students who meet a man by the name of Mr. Pignati on a prank call, and from then on it was never the same for John and Lorraine. In the book The Pigman, Paul Zindel writes of John and Lorraine, two high school students who met Mr. Pignati over a prank call which turns out to be the start of an amazing friendship. The authors purpose is to leave you sitting on the edge of your seat wondering what will happen next between the characters. I would recommend this book to teens and adults because it was very clear on how we should act upon others in need. I am also like John because I thought his pranks were igneous.


       The author is very descriptive in the first few chapters by explaining what John and Lorraine look like, along with the librarian and Mr. Pignati. The book is very inspiring on the way we all act. I believe that Paul Zindel was explaining that, things can happen on accident and lead to great adventures. John and Lorraine keep Mr. Pignati company while his wife is gone by going with him to the zoo, going shopping, and just talking. Mr. Pignati also collects statues of pigs and loves them dearly. He shows John and Lorraine his collection and they are amazed. Later on in the book John and Lorraine find out that Mr. Pignatis wife had died and he is all alone. Later on John, Lorraine, and the Pigman are rollerblading around the house, John runs up the stair sand then something horrible happens. Then while the Pigman is away John and Lorraine have a wild party at the Pigmans house, during the party the Pigmans pig collection is destroyed.


      The setting in this book is mostly at Mr. Pignatis house, some in the school and the zoo. The characters are very compassionate and friendly towards each other. The plot is very well organized and understandable. John and Lorraine are both the narrators, so the story is from their point of view.

      Like I said before, I would recommend this book to teens and adults. This is a book that will you will not be able to put down because it is exiting and will leave you wondering what will happen next. In the end of the book John and Lorraine had noticed that something had changed in them, and that they would never be the same again. The characters in this book learn a lesson by respecting others and their property.    


       I give this book five stars because I think a lot of people can relate to this book in some way. Paul Zindel describes everything very well in the story and makes it seem like John and Lorraine are actually with you telling you of there time with the Pigman.

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