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3.8 63
Young Adult Fiction 537
The Pigman Lesson
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Reader reviewed by Kate from WV

The Pigman is a book its general purpose was to teach a lesson about letting love in, and the effect it can have on your life. John and Lorraine were teenage students writing an autobiography about their experience with an elderly man named Angelo Pignati. It all starts as a practical joke, John, Lorraine, Norton, and Kenneth prank calling people and seeing who could hold the person on the other line the longest. Lorraine was the one who cheated, and called Mr. Angelo Pignati and happens to keep him on the line the longest. Little did they know how close they would become with this elderly man.  

John and Lorraine were both bonded into somewhat dysfunctional families. After John and Lorraine met Mr. Pignati he changed their whole perspective of wanting to keep to themselves. After many adventures with the old man John and Lorraine start feeling like almost family to him. There were secrets about Angelo Pignati that surprise both John and Lorraine that only make them closer to him. Once the rising action takes place, John and Lorraine finally have some sort of bad effect on Angelos health that makes them realize how much they needed the old man In their lives after all. When I read this book, I could instantly tell how good it was going to be. I think that the way Mr. Pignati presented himself to both teens, left them both with a life changing lesson that they will keep with them forever. It also made me realize a few things about my own life, and the way I think.

The main plot of the story takes place after both John and Lorraine reconcile with Angelo Pignati after taking advantage of his home and throwing a party only to end in disater,  and decide to take him to the zoo to see BoBo, the monkey Mr. Pignati called his own. At this point, It was clear that Mr. Pignati could take no more, he looked deadly ill. It was only after seeing that BoBo died that everything shifted for all of the main characters.

Jhon and Lorraine learned a very important life lesson from Mr. Pignati, the pigman. They both learn to accept whats important in their life. They both learn to get along with their parents who, at the start, would have been the last people to understand them at all. They both walk away more confident about themselves. The event also changed the way John and Lorraine feel towards one another.  

To me the book proves a powerful point about life, and the major effect just one person can have on it. This book will take you away, and intrigue you with every word. Its sinister and divine. I loved the relationships that were created by almost giving up and heading towards the wrong direction and then letting a stranger show you more about love and the importance of giving and receiving it in return. This book is a must read in my opinion. Its clear to say that in this case, surely you shouldnt judge a book by its cover.

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