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3.9 55
Young Adult Fiction 264
Worth Reading
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Reader reviewed by Bookworm9

This extremely heralded book is about a bright, sensitive, and somewhat naive freshman named Charlie. The entire book is written as letters to a "friend" to whom he remains anonymous. The letters describe his struggles and triumphs in school, relationships, and at home.

The book is definitely well-written and intriguing, and Charlie is a likable narrator. The ending was surprising and fitting. However, I thought a lot of the storylines either played into stereotypes or else were completely out there. To me, a lot of it did not seem realistic at all. I mean, what teenage guy has really never heard of masturbation? Many of the characters just didn't ring quite true to me.

By all means, you should read the book-- it's good. I just don't think it's the end-all and be-all of "glimpse into high school literature" the way many critics have made it out to be.
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