The Outsiders

4.5 (82)
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a must read
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Reader reviewed by nadia

a very mich must rad .this book will keep you up all night reading youll love it.sit down, relax and go.wants you start yu wont be able to stop.lets see.ponyboy.yep thats his reall name .hes a greaser.with long greay hair.him and his best buddy johny get into some some troble in a fight.them to on the road of what day there a crimianal the next day there a hero.ponyboy sure donsent feel that way when johny dies thought....
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One of the best
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Reader reviewed by Denisa

To make a long story short, this is a book that will have you on the edge through each and every chapter, every paragraph, every SENTENCE. The author is very detailed and descriptive . The ending is also quite suprizing and unexpected. Differnt from the traditional books they make you read in school. This is definately a book I would reccomend everyone reads at one point in their life. Be it for class, assignment, or just fun read. It's an excellent and easy read. Very well written.
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Left me in tears.
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Reader reviewed by Kaitlyn

A book that most girls would not even think about reading. But, I feel in love with it. A story that is all to real and true. It's about friends who are more like family that live on the wrong side of the tracks.

There's Ponyboy, Sodapop, Darry, Dallas, Johnny, and there other friends make up the "Greasers" a gang that is in constant battle with the "Socs", another gang. When Johnny kills a Soc, Ponyboy and Johnny have to hide. But, when Johnny dies, Dallas decides to fight.

This book made me cry three times in a 78 page span, a feat that hasn't happened before. A book that girls should read even though it seems to be for guys.
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This book was amazing
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Reader reviewed by Bradley

The Outsiders is undoubtedly one of the most well written books I have ever read. It is about Ponyboy, a young gangster in an American town over forty years ago. He struggles against himself and the Socs, who are the rich kids on the other side of town. I think that this book is suitable for nearly all ages and has a message for everyone.

Ponyboys problems begin one night when he and Johnny are caught by a group of Socs. Johnny is driven to murder for the sake of Ponyboy who is being drowned. To where can Ponyboy escape so that he can hide himself from the horror?

The theme of the book is basically friendship which S.E. Hinton portrays beautifully through her numerous characters. Whether it is Two-Bits carefree attitude or Dallass bitter, hateful grin you can imagine their personalities shining through people that you meet in you everyday life. The story is so realistic and the information is so thorough that you begin to doubt that it is a work of fiction.

I thank S.E. Hinton for this fabulous masterpiece which I find playing on my mind nearly every day. If you havent read this book, get it quickly so that you can applaud the author alongside everyone else.
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The Outsiders: One of the best books I've ever read
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Reader reviewed by Kyle planck

OMG! So many people can relate to this book! It has a great story which accurately portrays the gang violence of the 60s.

The Outsiders takes place in Tulsa, Oklahoma. There are two specific gangs: the Greasers and the Socs. Ponyboy Curtis is introduced as the protagonist when he is jumped at the beginning of the story.

Soon, Pony's friend Johnny does a horrible thing, and the decide to run away. But tragedy strikes, and things heat up between the gangs.

What will happen? You'll have to read it to find out.
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Drama Attack!!
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Reader reviewed by big-brain

First of all, AAAAWWWWEEEESSSSOOOOMMMMEEEE (AWESOME). This book is about a boy named Ponyboy, his brother Sodapop, and his other brother Darry.Yes, that's right, their names are Ponyboy and Sodapop.Those aren't nicknames, they are there real names. STRANGE MUCH? Anyway, Ponyboy is walking home from the movie house alone and gets jumped by a gang of soc's. Oh, by the way, this book is about two groups of people that call themselves soc's, and the greasers. Pony boy is a greaser. Okay, back to the jumping. Before the soc's can do that much damage, Ponyboy's gang shows up and drive away the soc's. Then aafter a short while, Dally, Two-bit, Ponyboy, and Johnny sneak into the drive-in movie. Dally starts showing off his terrible vocabulary in front of two girls and Johnny stops him. Dally leaves and the two girls Cherry and Marcia ask Johnny and Ponyboy to stay and protect them, which they do. Two-bit offers to walk the girl home, and so Ponyboy, Johnny, and Two-bit end up walking them home. Later on in the book, Darry ends up hitting Ponyboy who runs away with Johnny to the park. When they get to the park, Cherry and marcia's boyfriends show up with their friends and jump Johnny and Ponyboy. One of them attempts to drown Ponyboy in the fountain but Johnny stabs Bob, Cherry's boyfriend and scare away the other soc's. Bob dies and Johnny and Ponyboy run away with the help of Dally. Dally helps them run away by giving them fifty dollars and a gun. They run away to Jay Mountain and end up saving five little kids from a burning church, which Johnny and Ponyboy had been staying in. Johnny gets severely injured and Dally hurts his arm. The rest of the book I will leave to you to read. ENJOY!
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Reader reviewed by abscae

This was just to be simply put: amazing. I didn't read it for it's thematics, but more for fun, because we read it in the 7th grade, but I can still remember so much because it has stayed with me for so long. And the book truly made me question how I treat people and if I treat them appropriately or ostracize them.

Best of all, this book will make you think, and that's what I love about a good book.

Read it, you will gain so many memories and experiences from Pony Boy and the gang that will never leave you.
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Greasers .. to be remembered
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Reader reviewed by Rachel

This book was an option to read in my 8th grade class. But I didn't get the chance to read this book until my freshman year I wish I would have sooner. The Outsiders will leave an impression on you forever. Describing how people are segregated due to money and looks makes this book relateable to anyone. This is one book that will be on my book shelf forever and passed on to all my friends.
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Reader reviewed by Jazmine

The Outsiders was about the fourteen year old boy who's name is ponyboy, that lives in the poor side of town and becuase he lives there he is considered a hood becuase they are dirty, and poor. Those kinds of people are called the greasers becuase they like greasy, long hair. The people that live on the rich side of the town and tease and jump the greasers, they are called the socs, short for socials.

His parents died so now his eldest brother Darry, is like a father and is always working. The second older brother is Soda and he works at a garage. Ponyboy's best friend is Johnny who's parents hate him and are always getting drunk so he usually sleeps over at his house.

The story get going when Johnny and Ponyboy are jumped by socs and in defense Johnny pulls a knife out and kills one of the socs and the rest run away. So they go and hide out far away from there. Then a building catches on fire with some kids in it, so Johnny and Ponyboy both go in and save them, but Johnny get hurt real bad and has to go to the hospital. So they're on the paper and everything. All in all, Ponyboy learns that all people are the same and have feelings and hurts like the rest of them.
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inside the outsiders
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Reader reviewed by kyi

the best book ever i have read alot of books def. the best u have to read it!!!! also see the movie really hott guys play the characters like ponyboy is played by c thomas howell soda is played by rob lowe and dally is played by matt dillon oh and guess what steve is played by tom cruse also darry is played by pactrick sawzee really hott guys read the book frist then see the movie!!
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