Review Detail

4.5 82
Young Adult Fiction 2430
one of the best books my school made me read
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Reader reviewed by justesourire

The Outsiders was about a boy named Pony (yeah Pony gotta problem with it?!? jk) who is in a gang called the Greasers. He lives with his two brothers. Soda is the younger of his two older brothers and is supposedly gorgeous and so has girls all over him. Danny is Pony's oldest brother and kinda plays the role of the parents that the don't have. Pony's best friend is named Johnny. Of course there has to be a rival gang: the Socs. Soc is short for Social. The socs have lots of money and don't mind showing it off.

Pony's adventure begins when his friend Johnny stabs (and kills) a Soc. Of course now they have to get the heck outta there. So with the help of Dallas, a fellow greaser, the runaway. Pony now has to kinda deal with everything and has plenty of time to think about things. Maybe there's more to life then Greasers and Socs. And is he really that weird because he loves to watch the sunset?
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