Review Detail

4.5 82
Young Adult Fiction 2433
Left me in tears.
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Reader reviewed by Kaitlyn

A book that most girls would not even think about reading. But, I feel in love with it. A story that is all to real and true. It's about friends who are more like family that live on the wrong side of the tracks.

There's Ponyboy, Sodapop, Darry, Dallas, Johnny, and there other friends make up the "Greasers" a gang that is in constant battle with the "Socs", another gang. When Johnny kills a Soc, Ponyboy and Johnny have to hide. But, when Johnny dies, Dallas decides to fight.

This book made me cry three times in a 78 page span, a feat that hasn't happened before. A book that girls should read even though it seems to be for guys.
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