Review Detail

Young Adult Fiction 221
Interesting Thriller
Overall rating
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The Other Lola is a continuation of the characters from Missing Clarissa, Cam and Blair, but with a different mystery.

I did not read the first book, but easily read The Other Lola as a standalone as Missing Clarissa was summarized well and this new mystery itself was apart from the original.

Parts of the mystery were well played out, but the story itself moved too slowly for me to stay captivated.. there were times I had to force myself to pick the book back up again. It wasn't until the very end when finally things got revealed that the story got interesting for me.

Lola's character really felt like a background character, she just didn't have much development, we didn't really get a solid foundation on what was actually going on with her. I would have love more from her POV.
I did like how Cam and Blair seemed to know the right leads to follow and the right questions to ask. They make a wonderful detective team and feed off of each other, driving the story.
There is a secondary plot where both Cam and Blair are dealing with their own things in life, as well as coping with the trauma from the previous book.

Some themes found in The Other Lola are: trauma, self identity, relationships, careers, and found family.
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