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4.0 41
Young Adult Fiction 481
great read
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Reader reviewed by Jenna

City of Bones is one of the greatest books ever!!!!!!!!!   It is beautifully written (Thankyou Cassandra Clare) with many interesting details descriptions and most importantly, twists!! The main characters and also side characters in the book are Jace Wayland/Morgenstern, Clary Fray/Morgenstern, Simon Lewis, Alec Lightwood, Isabelle Lightwood, Luke Garroway, Max Lightwood, Valentine Morgenstern, Jocelyn Fray/Morgenstern, the Silent Brothers, Magnus Bane, Mayrse Lightwood, Robert Lightwood. Now I will explain who the characters are. Jace Wayland is a guy who is in love with Clary, but they find out that they are brother and sister. Alec loves Jace. Clary also loves Jace. Alec hates Clary. Magnus loves Alec. Simon loves Clary. Jace hates Simon. Jealous of a mundane as Shadowhunters call it. Alec is Isabelles older brother, Luke Garroway is a really good friend of  Clarys mother, and had always been like a dad to her. Clarys mom was JOcelyn Fray who was married to Valentine who was the villian. Mayryse and Robert Lightwood are Isabelle and Alec and Maxs parents. Magnus is a Warlok. the Silent Brothers are kind of liike Nephilim. That is it. Great book, always the greatest book in the whole wide univers, of anything anything anything.

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