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4.0 3
Just as spooky as the first!
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Awhile back I was lucky enough to pick up the first book in this series, The Name of the Star, at my local library and I fell in love with it. I was so scared and freaked out the entire time. I was extremely excited when I heard there would be a sequel and was delighted when I received a copy via NetGalley to read and review.

The book starts off with Rory back in Bristol with her parents and speaking to a therapist. The problem is she can't tell anyone what truly happened that night with the Ripper, so she's really not getting anywhere with the therapist and she desperately misses her friends back at Wexford. After a bit, her therapist actually recommends she head back to Wexford and face her fears head on, so she does. Once there she is once again reunited with Stephen, Callum & Boo. I adore these characters. They are truly Rory's friends and know everything that is going on with her and I believe are really the only ones who can make her feel "normal". Now that Rory is the only terminus, this small group must figure out where to go from here and whether or not to use Rory to help or get rid of ghosts who are left behind. In true Stephen nature, he is still very serious and takes the world upon his shoulders. I loved reading more about him and in this book I will say that he opens up a bit and I had a blast reading that. I also loved the exchanges between him and Rory and wanted more.

While this book doesn't have a Ripper on the lose killing people, there are still mysteries to be solved, and scary parts to be read. So, if you're worried that this book isn't as creepy as the first one, don't be because it is. The prologue itself was enough to give me goosebumps! In true second book fashion, we see Rory dealing with a relationship that she's not sure she wants, or can even have. Rory also makes some poor decisions that left me screaming at the book for her to stop, but did she listen, no. There is lots of conflict, angst and maturation in this book on Rory's part and Ms. Johnson does a fantastic job of writing it.

I was left with my mouth hanging open at the end of this book and I'm craving the third book already. I love Maureen Johnson's style of writing and I am completely in love and frankly quite scared of the world she has created. If you haven't read 'The Name of the Star' do so now and then quickly, run don't walk, to pick up the sequel.
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