The Looking Glass Wars: Seeing Redd (Book 2)

4.2 (6)
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Seeing Redd: I'm Seeing Gold
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Reader reviewed by Kelsey

Seeing Redd by Frank Beddor is yet another look into Alyss' fantasic
thrill-ride Wonderland. Ever since I've read Alice in Wonderland and
Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There, I keep on wanting
to go back into her amazing world where nothing makes sense. Beddor
makes that possible with his Looking Glass Wars trilogy, of which Seeing
Redd is the second. He takes on the risk of offending millions of Lewis
Carroll fans by writing this series, but as far as I'm concerned
Beddor's Looking Glass Wars trilogy is a great addition to
Alice-in-Wonderland inspired fiction. Seeing Redd was never dull, except
in very rare moments when King Arch got a little winded in his
semi-long monologues. There are some sequels that I've read that are not
as imaginative as the first, but Seeing Redd defies that stereotype and
takes us on a journey through the written word. The plot just keeps
getting better and better, such as a look into Hatter Madigan's family
life, Alyss and Dodge's continued relationship, and Redd's devious mind
at ceaseless work. If the second book is any indication, Archenemy, the
third and last of the trilogy, is going to be the best yet.
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Politics with an Edge
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Reader reviewed by Joe M.

Seeing Redd is the sequel to one of my favorite books, The Looking
Glass Wars. Alyss has defeated Redd (or so it seems) and is now trying
to manage the political welfare of Wonderland. However, she wishes she
could spend more time with Dodge, her childhood friend who may be more
than just a friend.

King Arch, ruler of Boarderland, is planning something cunning and
unforgiveably horrific. Nobody knows what, but with Redd now
reincarnated on Earth, thanks to the Heart Crystal, Alyss is battling
both political and personal enemies.

A plain box, a deadly weapon, a person once thought dead and a
character's death turn Seeing Redd into an appealing sequel, although I
didn't enjoy quite as much, simply because of its constant mentions of
politics and ethics, not to mention somewhat prolonged romance scenes
between Alyss and Dodge. Don't worry - nothing winappropriate. In fact,
it's touching enough to make the little boys and girls go "Ewww!"

I highly recommend it! I'm definitely getting the last book, Arch Enemy.

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Reader reviewed by moonymaster

The book was okay but by the end I felt very unfulfilled. Nothing interesting happens until the climax and all the action that took place just got boring and competitive. And the whole thing with Hatter seemed kinda off. It didn't feel sincere and it was much harder is this book to relate and feel for the characters. I do plan on reading the next one but I do hope it greatly improves upon this one.

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Revenge Its Never What You Expect
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Reader reviewed by Lexie

The second book in Beddor's Looking Glass Wars trilogy picks up fairly
closely to the end of the first book. 3 lunar cycles (I'm guessing this
means months) later and Queen Alyss is doing her best to reassure the
people that White Imagination is once again dominate.

There is a
little bit of a mislead throughout the book as well, in who's actually
the source of evil and motives. King Arch, briefly mentioned and shown
in the first book, is a central character this time around (with all
his sexist views) and Jack of Diamonds, unfortunately, makes a return
appearance. His parents aren't the brightest ever. Redd is more cunning
then in the first book, using subterfuge as a way to win out. I admired
her, despite her evilness, because she didn't just whine about what she
lost (like Jack) or spout impossible ideas (like Arch), but had a solid
plan which would have worked.

Hatter Madigan, this poor guy, is
put through the ringer. He did take his leave, as he said he would at
the end of Book 1, and didn't plan on coming back. We learn more about
the civilian he loved, Weaver and what secrets she carried. Which all
relates back to Molly (I'm sure you can guess how) and has a surprising
turn of events. Doesn't last long however. Molly is also put through
the ringer--unsure of herself, prideful of her abilities but shamed by
her birth, young and basically self-trained, Arch takes advantage of
that weakness.

In the end I enjoyed this book moreso then the
first. I enjoyed learning more about the other lands surrounding
Wonderland (even if Borderland is...what it is) and despite the ending
leaving itself very open to a sequel, I can't be too upset over that.
The conflicts of THIS book were resolved and the ending opened the door
to a new conflict.

(reprinted with author's permission)

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reality as it doesn't seem
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Reader reviewed by alex

fast paced adventure.  fans of fractured fairytales will love this book. the series is a take off from the traditional c.s lewis series we al know as alice in wonderland. taking orriganal charicters and a new plot, author frank beddor has won the imagination of young adult and grown up readers alike.

         .....Alex Cook
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New Enemies, Old Foes, Same Level of Excitement
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Reader reviewed by Stephanie

The evil Redd Heart has disappeared into the Heart Crystal, and Alyss is now the rightful queen of Wonderland. But there is lots yet to be done: buildings to repair, morale to strengthen, relationships to mend& And Alyss is so busy with politics and using her White Imagination to make sure the queendom is running smoothly that she barely has any time to spend with Dodge, her best-friend-turned-true-love guardsman.

But people are not going to make her life as queen easy. King Arch of the neighboring kingdom Boarderland has some sinister plans up his sleeve. First he kidnaps Homburg Molly, Alyss teenage bodyguard; then he messes with the emotions of the best Milliner in all of history, Hatter Madigan, who is suddenly forced to decide between family and duty as he has never had to do before. All the while, Arch is planning the unleashing of a formidable weapon, one that, if properly completed, can wipe out the entire country of Wonderland and all surrounding countries.

As if that wasnt bad enough, Redd is back, more dangerous and vengeful than ever. She is determined to complete her Looking Glass Maze, achieve the full potential of her imaginative powers, and reclaim Wonderland, destroying Alyss in the process. The giant army that converges upon Wonderland at the command of Redd and Arch seem on the path to the obliteration of Alyss world as she knows it. Is there anything to be done that can put off the seemingly inevitable end?

SEEING REDD has more sit-and-wait political discourses and emotional chapters than the first book in the trilogy. However, Redds villainy will be sure to keep fans attracted to this series. All the characters are wonderfully created, the world flawlessly imagined and detailed. This is a tale of high fantasy that you wont want to miss.
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