Review Detail

4.7 1
Young Adult Fiction 285
The Hunt
Overall rating
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What worked: This sequel is even better than the first book! The story continues after Cora, Lucky, and Mali fail to escape from the alien cage. There's nail biting tension right off the start! Great pacing and suspense with romance woven throughout.

Once again, we see the cage through the eyes of Cora, Lucky, Mali, and the others. Mostly though I feel this is Cora's story. The biggest conflict she deals with is her desire to get back to Earth but she hates to admit that she actually has feeling for her captor Cassian. I think this transcends the whole Stockholm symptom-where a victim falls in love with her kidnapper. Cassian shows his own vulnerabilities whenever he's uncloaked. The chemistry and desire is intense and pushes aside any romantic feelings she might have for Lucky.

In THE CAGE readers get a glimpse of the cage the teens are put in. Think a human zoo set on an alien planet. THE HUNT though is more descriptive with the horrors that befall Cora, Mali, and Lucky when they are set in a Safari type cage which involves real animals. These scenes were tough for me to read as I abhor anything that deals with animal cruelty. What works though is how the character's tough exteriors are broken down and we witness acts of kindness towards the animals that are captured. To the Kindred, Earthens are no better than animals.

Readers also see other aliens which include the treacherous Mosca--they kind of reminded me the doctors in the recent Teen Wolf series. All is not what it seems. Even the so-called allies of Cassian have their own secrets. The scene where Nok and Rolf are placed in a human doll house are very similar to an old Twilight Zone episode. Only in this case, the one Kindred doctor has her own plans for the unborn baby.

If there was one thing I wanted more of though had to be more on how the teens ended up in the cage. We get hints of Mali's story but not much more.

There's suspense, horror, action, and romance in this Twilight Zone meets The Maze Runner. Be prepared for some wicked twists and reveals. Guaranteed to keep readers reading and wanting more!
Good Points
1. Nail-biting edge of the seat tension
2. Dystopia meets Twilight Zone
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