Review Detail

4.2 2
Young Adult Fiction 605
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I wouldn't read this in the dark...
Really though, I wouldn't. I ended up freaking myself out reading it in the middle of the night. Lol
This book was really gripping. It's the kind of book you can finish in one sitting. (If you aren't mega busy with people buggin you ever couple of seconds). It didn't take long for me to fall in love with this book. I really thought I had it all figured our about 20 pages in or so... I was wrong. So wrong. Sunshine took all this better than I would have. I would have probably just curled into a ball and cried my eyes out. Lol. Nolan.. Oh my gosh. So adorkable! Sunshine and him are so cute together! I don't see how Sunshine was ever friends with Ashley.. She was so stuck on herself. Or should I say "stuck on Chris"? *dramatic eye roll*
I really adored this book. it was creeptastic ! Haha.
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