Review Detail

Middle Grade Fiction 434
Trust in those you call friends
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What I liked:
The Golden Frog Games is the second book in the Witchlings series by Claribel. A. Ortega. As in the first book, the story is more plot-driven than character driven. As more tension builds around our spare coven and spares rights in generals in the twelve towns, we are in for an exciting adventure. The Golden Frog Games are upon us, and the winner will get to touch the golden frog and see a vision. That vision is valuable, so we will probably have some scary, dangerous things going down during the competition. Each spare in this coven has a part to play in this book; Thorn is the competitor in the games, Seven is working with what she assumes is broken magic as she continues to hear from the night beast, and then there Valley, who is struggling with the aftermath of her parent's divorce and not being in the wealthy elite anymore.
Final Verdict:
The Witchlings is the best kind of fantasy middle grade; we have young characters with real problems that they struggle with. We have a crazy person hexing people on the site and no idea who the bad guy is, and then the rules of what spares and how they are supposed to be thrown out the window as new things are uncovered in every book. I am eager to see how things play out, and with the further info about our spares and the nightbeast, it sure to be a great book.
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