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4.0 3
Young Adult Fiction 345
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Kate is having her six month time off but instead off the perfect holiday- relaxing in a beach getting tanned- she gets sucked in the middle of an immortal feud going back millions of years.
It doesn't help that Henry also plays a big part in this feud. She starts to wonder if these so called gods are not as good as they pretend to be. But all she knows and cares about is that its not right to keep people who love each other very much apart and she will take great lengths that they have more time together.
She knows that feeling of being alone and she doesn't want that to happen to anyone else.

I love how Aimee Carter wrote this book in different people's point of view especially Henry's view. He's so calm and shows no emotion which makes it great to get a glimpse of what he's thinking because you never know from his actions.
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