Review Detail

4.0 1
Young Adult Fiction 272
Very cute!
Overall rating
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This book is like a Stephanie Perkins novel! Stephanie Perkins is one of my all time favorite authors and I have read all her books so I was so happy to read something similar! Its not as good as her books but very good. I loved the beginning of the book and it immediately sucked me into the story with its beautiful writing.
I really enjoyed the plot of the book but I did find Owens and Lucy's parents to be to similar as in they both loved travel. I found them hard to tell apart which I disliked. I loved how postcards were kind of Lucy and Owens little thing and it was really cute how that continued throughout the book.
The two main characters were easily likeable but I would have liked to learn a little more about each of their individual interests and hobbies besides travel. I did love the travel aspect of the book, each city or state they visited was described beautifully.
I enjoyed this book. Its a quick light read, with very pretty writing and great settings. Recommended if you just finished a complex or hardcore fantasy book and want something fun and happy.
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