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4.7 60
Young Adult Fiction 557
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Around this time last year I went to WHSmith and picked up a copy of The Fault In Our Stars to see what the big hype was all about and my god I'm happy I got it!

I'm a huge reader and have read a variety of genres and a variety of authors but I haven't once been able to admire words so much as I have while reading John Green's work. This book lead me to buying Looking for Alaska, Will Grayson Will Grayson, Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines... you get where I am going with this. Basically there's something about the way Green writes that makes me get goosebumps and sends shivers down my spine.. but enough of that - onto the book!

The one thing I love mostly about this book is how Green takes such a taboo issue and turns it into a book of love and humor. Cancer will affect all of us at one point in my life, unfortunately mine was when I was 10 and I lost my dad and every 'cancer book' I have read since has just stuck with a depressing mood and atmosphere throughout it but with The Fault In Our Stars this isn't the case. The wit and humor from the characters in the book not only make you connect deeply with them and form a strong relationship but they make you realise that life goes on.

The relationship which forms between Hazel and Gus is so beautiful and, writing from a 16 year old girls perspective, Gus has to be one of the best boyfriends in a YA book that I have read. I don't want to give too much away or tell you any spoilers incase you haven't read it but just make sure you're sat with tissues before you go ahead with this book.

Since I bought it last year I have read it roughly 7 times and still connect with the story as much as I did the first time. It's heartbreakingly beautiful and brings so much emotion to you throughout. The courage and humor, the energy and sadness all keep you on a roller coaster of emotion. I have recommended to all my friends and now I recommend to you who is reading this.. don't miss out on such an amazing book!
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