Review Detail

4.7 60
Young Adult Fiction 557
I read the stars differently...
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I expected this book to end with the main character dropping dead from cancer, but that is not what I got at all. I got a friendship that should be like everyone's, one full of humor and happiness, not one that you build up on the hope of something more. Gus's and Hazel's relationship came from a chance meeting, and grew from there. They did not expect to go further, especially with Hazel with her lungs, but their friendship grew until they saw the truth. It was not one where they both hoped it would became more. It was real.

This book was full of humor even in the darkest of times. Perfect jokes were cracked with perfect timing, and it lit up the sadness around them. But I did not feel enough sadness, as I felt like I was watching the book being played out, and that I was not there. I was reading from a distance, and could not enjoy the book as much as I should have.

I reckon this book is a great read that shows you the pain that Cancer patients really go through. I understand why Hazel did not want pity, because it makes you feel worthless, and this book is not worthless in anyway. This book is worth the read, and maybe after reading this you may be able to sought your faults in your stars.
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