Review Detail

Young Adult Fiction 1178
Loyalty Above All
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
What I Liked:
Heliana is a fantasy world full of shape-shifters who live on a floating island. They believe that the island floats due to the magic of the young prince. However, the world below is full of humans, and somehow a mysterious illness has invaded the floating island; the only cure is to be found among the humans. The story is full of beliefs that are soon found not to be accurate, a battle that becomes dangerous as humans invade with airplanes and guns, and betrayal by those that are part of Heliana but live among humans.
Final Verdict:
There is a love triangle between Ro, our main warrior female character, and two of the warriors. I felt it was unnecessary and drawn out. The action-packed sequences, adventures as they look for the magical cure, and unraveling of ancestral stories made for an engaging story. Check out this stand-alone for a unique paranormal world and a battle for peace between humans and mythological shape-shifting lions.
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