The Elite (The Selection #2)

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The Elite is an amazing book, just like The Selection. I didn’t want to put the thing down. When it was over I almost started crying because I loved it so much and don’t want to have to wait for the next book to come out. I did scream no though.
The plot was a great continuation of the first one. I especially like how none of the characters are perfect and we get to know them even more in this book, but I think we need to know more about Aspen. I love America. She’s a feisty, but compassionate character and she stands up for what she believes in. The king though, he makes me mad for what he does to Maxon and America. Celeste never ceases to make me think of her badly but the other girls, they go from making me feel sympathetic to making me feel angry at them.
I appreciated how she explained what happened to make the government the way it is. Most of the authors don’t ever explain what happens to make the government the way they become.
I really like how the book doesn’t have just one feeling in it. Like at times I feel mad at the characters and then others I feel bad for them. Sometime I laugh and sometimes I feel sad.
I believe that Kiera is an amazing writer. I will definitely be reading the rest of her books that come out. I cant even explain how much I loved this book. I recommend this book to all dystopian likers but even if you aren’t you might like this because its not a huge part of it. Also to people who like romances.
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Emotional second book where America's choices only get harder.
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I flew through this one and enjoyed getting to see another side of all of the characters. This one did a much better job at elaborating on the other girls, and I really enjoyed that. I know it was impossible in the first because getting to know America, Maxon and Aspen, and of course, there were just TOO many other girl.
Oh, America. She still needs time. I don't know why I am surprised by this because it is only the second book in the series, and of course she hasn't made a decision. I just feel for her heart as well as Maxon and Aspen, because someone is going to get hurt.
I enjoyed getting to know Marlee more, and interested at her reasoning for why she doesn't think she and Maxon are a good match. I, of course, have some speculations, but wanted more events to unfold. Besides, I just like her and America's friendship. It is refreshing to read about with all of the politics and love triangle afoot. Not saying that I don't like the romance, and getting deeper into that, I just like that aspect as well.
But oh, at the event that the synopsis hints at with the devastating loss--oh my goodness. I couldn't believe it and wished that there was something I could do to change it. It made me want to cry and scream.
And while I can understand America questioning herself and what she thought was her choice, I just wanted to strangle her because she wasn't looking at the whole picture.
I was so mad at her at times, because while I understood needing to get her feelings straightened out, and I am usually all for the forbidden love, I just didn't want for anyone to get hurt. And she was playing with huge fire still having feelings with Aspen, and the risks that they took in Selection alone were enough to be charged with treason according to the rules.
I couldn't look away from the book though, and my heart was torn just like hers with each twist and thing that happens, but I know that I am rooting for Maxon overall, and I think that America could do great things with him for the nation.
I am so ready for the next book in the series, and it is almost sad that I got the arc because now I have to wait longer... But I was immersed in this story and counting down until I can read more.

Bottom Line: Emotional second book where America's choices only get harder.
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