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4.3 82
Middle Grade Fiction 1638
The only thing harder than getting in is staying in!
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Reader reviewed by Allison

The only thing harder than getting in is staying in. That's the Clique for you! The ruler of the clique... and the rest of the school is Massie Block: the godess of all of the social and fashion scene at Octavian Country Day School. The other 3 Clique members are Dylan Marvil, Kristen Gregory, Alicia Rivera. Maybe they're not as popular, but they can all be just as mean.

In the book, Claire Lyons is the new girl in town, staying in Massie's guest house, from Florida. The first thing Massie has to despise about Claire are her Keds, and whole Gap attire. Claire makes friends with an oatmeal-obsesser, Layne Abeley, who just happens to be the dorky sister of Massie's crush.

Hey! Why is everyone suddenly turning their backs on MASSIE? How did Claire become so popular? Will Claire and Massie ever become friends? Will Layne and her oatmeal save the day?

Find out when you read The Clique, by Lisi Harrison!
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