Review Detail

Young Adult Fiction 426
The Bridge From Me to You
(Updated: July 29, 2014)
Overall rating
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Contemporary YA romances are hot right now. The Bridge From Me to You uses an unique approach by alternating between prose and poetry to deliver a heart felt story of two lost teens and the magic of believing in not only yourself but others.

What worked: I have to admit, at first I was a tad bit hesitant about how Schroeder would handle this story with alternating poetry and prose. I should have known better than to doubt her! Schroeder sprinkles her own magic in this story of two teens who find each other during hard times. I love Colby's point of view. His struggles on being a reluctant football player in a town where football is huge is shown in a very realistic way. Colby deals with very tough issues that include his best friend Benny, who would do anything to get a scout to notice him on the field, along with the conflict he has with his gung ho father who won't accept anything less than stellar out on the football field. Colby's emotions ring true throughout.

Lauren's story is shown in free verse poetry that at first gives glimpses of her pain of being rejected by her mother to the struggles she feels at her growing attraction to Colby. Wanting to kiss someone so badly is shown in such a way that you feel the awkwardness. Lauren's secret was believable as I was in a similar situation when I went away to college. It was hard and scary to report. I could feel the guilt Lauren felt along with the longing for her mother to accept her.

I'm a fan of Schroeder's other YA novels and this one won't disappoint!

This is not only a story of romance but how the power of love and believing can make a believer out of anyone.
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