Review Detail

3.3 5
Young Adult Fiction 935
A Page Turner!
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
What I Loved:

This is a fast-paced page-turner of a book! From the very first page, the reader is thrust into a tense, atmospheric ride that never lets up. I enjoyed the suspense, and I liked that the uncluttered style of writing doesn't get in the way of the pace.

I also was very interested in the mystery. I liked finding out clues and guessing what was coming next. Beneath the heart-stopping suspense is an examination of how bullying, cliches, and ignoring the pain of others can have drastic consequences, and I think that's a poignant message for teens.

What Left Me Wanting More:

There's not much to nitpick here because this book is exactly what it advertises itself to be: a quick thrill ride through the horror genre. If you go in expecting that and wanting that, you'll be more than satisfied. I tend to want deeper character development and a certain level of intimacy between myself and the narrator, and I didn't quite feel that on this one. However, I did find the narrator interesting, and I felt she was the best suited to tell us the story. I just didn't connect like I wanted to, but that could be a matter of personal preferences.

I've heard other reviewers comparing this book to Agatha Christie's famous TEN LITTLE INDIANS, and I'd caution against that. This isn't a re-telling. It's a story inspired by Christie's, and I think it does the idea justice in the YA genre.

Final Verdict:

This is a heart-in-your-throat thrill ride with non-stop suspense, and readers who love a good old-fashioned horror story are going to enjoy it.
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