Review Detail

3.4 11
Young Adult Fiction 272
Bad, Bad, BAD
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Reader reviewed by Katy LaPlace

The third book I read was Swoon by Nina Malkin. This is the first of the books that I read that I definitely will not be including in my classroom library. I was initially attracted to the story of a ghost who takes over the body of young girl and the young girls psychic cousin who falls in love with him and eventually helps him get his body back. The fact that the cover stated that fans of twilight would love this book because they could really root for this heroine also intrigued me and gave me high hopes that this would be a good book. Unfortunately, I quickly realized that this book was nothing like I hoped it would be. To begin with, this book seemed to glorify (glorify= make it sound like something you should try) drug use and premarital sex. Dont get me wrong, Im not big on censorship, but a young adult book that deals with issues like this should eventually show that those actions have negative consequences. As if that was not enough, I also found the writing in this book to be terrible! The book was often difficult to understand, it left a ton of unanswered questions, and it expected you to root for the hero (and I use the term for lack of a better one&maybe jerk would work better) and the heroine to be together after he has slept with all of her friends (including her cousin). Overall, I found it hard to root for characters I hated from pretty much the beginning of the book.

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