Review Detail

4.1 8
Young Adult Fiction 180
Trolls...Really? YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Hocking convinced a skeptic on this one!

When I first started reading, I was very skeptical about the world of Trylle, especially once I found out that the main character, Wendy, was a troll. However, this book forces the reader to reevaluate the stereotype surrounding trolls, and the novel actually had a pretty decent plot line.

This novel is about a heroine that can't seem to fit in wherever she goes. She didn't even fit in with her own mother and is accused of being a Changeling. Because she thinks her mother is crazy, she doesn't consider that her mom may actually be right. When a mysterious boy named Finn from her school convinces her that she is a troll, and that she must leave with him for her safety, she enters the world of Trylle.

Finally, Wendy will find a place to fit in... NOT. In fact, although Wendy tries to fit into this world and embrace her new role in life as a Princess, she does not do very well. The person she latches on to for sanity is Finn, and a love story develops as well. By the end of the novel, Wendy has a clear idea what her role is in the future, yet she is not sure of her powers and how she can live up to the challenges before her. She knows the Trylle community needs to be changed, but the novel ends with her fleeing back to her human family, because she thinks that she cannot possibly live up to the challenges before her.

If you like stories that involve the supernatural world, a heroine that rises to power, love stories, or even stories about finding yourself, this series is for you.

Disclaimer: I wrote this review after reading the entire series in three days. I know what is in the future. However, don't be sure of yourself. If you make predictions about how you think the novel will end, or attach yourself to characters, be prepared to change your mind.
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