Review Detail

4.0 1
Young Adult Fiction 242
I’m definitely sighing for Kai after this
Overall rating
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What I Loved: Kaiden. DONE!

Ok, I know that’s not enough. But seriously, that boy knows how to make me swoon! I’m a sucker for being in a guy’s head when it comes to reading and I loved seeing the his and Anna’s story through his eyes. Seeing his feelings for Anna change so drastically, and with good/believable pacing, made me melt a little. I also liked that we get a good amount of new material that ties into the original trilogy. It gave me a different perspective on each of the characters and how they all handled their powers.

What Didn’t Work for Me: It was a tad bit long, but considering that it spans all three books, it’s understandable. With that said, it still felt a bit rushed. There was too much emphasis on the first book and not enough with the remaining two. I’d say about half of this book is Sweet Evil in Kai’s POV. The second half is split between the other books. While that may not bother those who have read the series already, if you’re a newcomer and wanted to start with this book, you may be left feeling clueless at times. There were a lot of scenes that were cut out of that latter half and what was there was choppy, to say the least.

Recommended for fans of: If you’ve already read this series, you will definitely want to read this book so you can be inside Kai’s head. I loved seeing some of my favorite characters again.

Final Verdict: Kai’s definitely got the good, and the very bad, stuff and I want it all!
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