Review Detail

4.8 5
Young Adult Fiction 156
The perfect vampire novel
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Sunshine is the book that I want to press into the hands of every single Twilight fan and say ‘This is what a great vampire story looks like, read it!’. Sunshine is the book that I judge every single vampire novel against and against which every single one of them falls short. It is the perfect vampire novel. It is a novel in which vampires are terrifying and unnatural and are definitely not boyfriend material. It is a novel in which the main character is not a doormat and refuses to give up no matter how bad things get. It is a novel which whilst reading it you will gain weight and crave bakery products. You will curse the author for making you work out how to get your hands on a cinnamon roll at 2am in the morning. You will also curse the author for not writing a sequel. It is also a novel you will read every year and each year discover something new within its pages.
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