Review Detail

2.7 1
Young Adult Fiction 282
Thriller and Mystery. And mind distortion.
(Updated: July 05, 2015)
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This is one of those mindf*** books.

The kind of book that you honestly have no idea what is going to occur. The one that makes you nervous for what is to come. Anxious and on the edge of your seat waiting for what you suspect may be the inevitable.

And then, with one sentence or a few words, everything you thought you suspected is flipped on its head and you’re back at square one. Confused as hell but completely caught up in the madness.

That’s what the experience of Suicide Notes from Beautiful Girls is like.

And I loved it.

June and Delia’s world is not one I want to be a part of. It’s extremely unhinged and unbelievable. Obviously, stuff doesn’t happen like this to teenagers…right? Were my teenage years incredibly boring compared to theirs? Yes. Would I change that? Hell no. I’d take my weekends inside playing video games over suicide notes and murder investigations.

But is sure is interesting to read about.

I was confused most of the time (in a good way), but was ultimately stumped with the cheating thing. I feel like that could have been excluded from the book entirely. Just your typical overly dramatic teenage drama thrown in there for a reason that wasn’t made clear to me.

But that’s the only complaint I had. Everything else was great.

I read this book in a few hours. While on vacation. Sitting on the beach (resulting in a sunburn) caught up in the lives of these characters with major issues.

Fast paced and constantly surprising, Suicide Notes from Beautiful Girls is the book you won’t be forgetting for a long time. Equal parts thriller, mystery, and mind distortion.

I need it made into a movie.

I need a book of Sebastian’s past.
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