Star Cursed (The Cahill Witch Chronicles #2)

4.5 (3)
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Star Cursed review
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Star Cursed was pretty comparable to Born Wicked for me, but somewhat slower.

For the most part, the pace was decent, but it did start to drag a few times. And when that happened, instead of easing into a new conflict, something would just happen. I don't mean in the way that "the ladies were having tea and then a giant ostrich burst through the sitting room window." It was more like something would be causally brought up out of the blue like it was nothing and all of a sudden it was something and everyone just pretends it was something all along.
For instance, I have a terrible memory, especially when it comes to book, so maybe I just don't recall Cora being sick from the first book. Either way, it was just casually brought up that she was dying and I was slightly confused when nobody in the book was freaking out. And there's the whole healing magic thing. It's just all "oh, yeah, Cate can do this thing" and then it becomes a huge Thing later. I just used "thing" way too many times.

It's been a while since I hated a character -- villain or not -- as much as I hated Maura in Star Cursed. Pardon my language, but she's a bitch. I know I'm probably supposed to see her side of things and try to sympathize, but I just can't. Her stubborn inability to see how much she was hurting everyone around her and the woe-is-me-nothing-ever-goes-my-way attitude seriously grated on my nerves. And the end scene had me rooting for Cate to shove her in front of a carriage. The worst part of it all, though, is that Maura never once shows remorse.

The Nutshell: Star Cursed is a good sequel to Born Wicked. The story dragged a few times for me, but the pacing was good overall. Towards the end I was starting to get annoyed with Cate's naivete, but she really proved herself to me in the last few pages. And then there's Maura. I don't really think she's supposed to be a villain, but I almost hated her more than the Brotherhood. I'm kind of hoping she gets what's coming to her in the next book (I know, I'm vindictive and terrible.)

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Star Cursed
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At the end of Born Wicked, we see that Cate has entered the Sisterhood and Finn has joined the Brotherhood, unbeknownst of Cate’s intentions. Cate agonizes over the decision but does what she feels is right. Star Cursed opens a month into her stay at the Sisterhood’s convent, where she has been taking her classes while being gawked upon by the other girls for being the prophesized witch. The situation on the outside grows progressively worse as the Brothers intensify their efforts to find the prophesized witch. The oracle they captured, Brenna, makes a prediction that leads them to instituting new laws and pushing the women down further. Girls are starting to be arrested for minor things and tested to see if they are the prophesized witch. With this storm brewing outside, the Sisterhood is now restless with action and inaction. Two factions develop within the sisterhood – one that wants to wage a war against the Brothers and other that wants to wait for a good opportunity. The first half of the story deals with Cate trying to decide the best way about this mess.

To save her sisters, she requests for them to be brought to the sisterhood. Maura and Tess, both are delighted at being here, but both at greater risk with the new prophecy. The Brotherhood is cracking down harder than before, and with this desperate situation, tough choices are being made. The rivalry between Cate and Maura deepens and Sister Elez takes opportunity of this fact. Towards the end, a big change has been wrought that will change the future of the Sisterhood.
Now, about the characters – Cate is brilliant as usual – she is strong-willed, has a tender heart and is not swayed easily by Elez’s lures. Maura, on the other hand, just gets worse as she imagines herself to be the prophesized witch. She is so drunk on power that she is willing to get her sister out of the way. Tess grows in to a woman – she is no longer the timid, coddled one – she knows she has a tremendous burden to carry and has her head on her shoulders. Finn – is swoon-worthy as always – and I hate what Maura did to him. I would also add - Cate grows tremendously in this book. She doubts that she can lead the Sisterhood but she absolutely perfect for being the leader. It makes me really look forward to the next book as she has some very tough decisions ahead of her. Also, with the prophesy, I am worried about her and Maura.

Star Cursed was quite an engaging read. It’s all – will they be able to carry that out? Oh my gosh, will this one be caught? The entire book goes quite darker than Born Wicked and there is always an imminent danger hanging overhead. In fact, it was quite difficult for me to put down once I began with the third chapter; I continued on till the end of the book. Definite 5 stars from me.
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A Gorgeously Written Sequel!
(Updated: June 17, 2013)
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I LOVED Born Wicked, and when you fall in love with the first book in a series, you sometimes worry that the sequel will not live up to your now high standards for that author. Well, Star Cursed not only met, but exceeded all of my expectations.
I loved the dynamic between Cate and Finn. He is extremely supportive and loving and his desire to protect her is so admirable. He cares for her safety, but still trusts in her personal strength and doesn't try to hinder her independence.
I love Cate as a character. She is strong, brave, and worries for her sisters. She had been thrust a large amount of responsibility at such a young age, and has to make some difficult decisions that could possibly impact many lives. My other favorite character is Tess. She is the cute, kind, and extremely smart little sister anyone would love to have!
I feel like this book was a big turning point in the series. There are many revelations, and danger abounds around every corner. Harwood Asylum was especially well depicted, and definitely hit a 10 on the "creep" meter. Spotswood is a master of world and character building, but plot is the driving force in this one. You will be racing along, turning pages well into the night, because you NEED to know what happens next.
The romance in this story is absolutely swoon-worthy, but is also filled with betrayal, intrigue, and tons of magic!
I would recommend Born Wicked, and The Cahill Witch Chronicles as a whole to anyone who loves YA. There is definitely something for everyone here. I promise, if you pick this one up, you will not be dissapointed!
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