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4.5 2
Young Adult Fiction 376
Wish this wasn't the last! Awesome Captivating Series!
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Perfect!! Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. That's all I can say when it comes to words to describe my feelings about Split Second by Kasie West. I could probably look in a dictionary for some fancy adjectives to use but I think I will stick to perfect since it's what immediately popped into my mind once finishing this book.
I just literally finished it and The way the story ended, The Characters, all of it. Just perfect. Its so sad to think its over. No more Addie, or Laila, or Trevor, or Connor(he was my favorite addition, *sigh* so swoon worthy)! I'm truly gonna miss this series.

Going into Split Second I was a bit nervous. The first book, Pivot Point was so amazing and instantly put Split Second on my desperately awaiting to read list. I pre-ordered it and have had it sitting on my shelf since February. I had so much high expectations for it though I didn't want to dive right into it and be let down. I also was aware this would be the last book and in a way didn't want it to end. So I put it off until just Yesterday. I don't know why I was ever nervous though, I should've been confident in Kasie's amazing writing skills to tell a story. I mean Pivot Point was so awesome it should of been obvious this would be! Well in all fairness some epic first books are followed up by not so epic second books, but back to this point, Split Second was not in that category, and I was relieved. From the moment I started the book I couldn't put it down. I don't know how many times I used the words "shhh mommy's reading. Go get your daddy" this past day and a half! I just had to keep reading!

One of my favorite things about this book was the fact it wasn't just told in Addie's P.O.V but also in her BFF's P.O.V, Laila's. It was refreshing add, and we got to see a whole new side to her, and how loyal she is and family orientated(even if her dads a asshat). She also got her own love interest in this series too, and I loved following every second of it! As much as following Addie & Trevor's story, maybe even a little more. *gasp* I said it ;)... Conner, Laila's love interest is just my kind of book boyfriend. He's snarky, mysterious, and down right sexy ;). His & Laila's scenes were hella cute too. So many times I was yelling "JUST KISS ALREADY THIS SEXUAL FRUSTRATION IS TO MUCH!" and when the finally do kiss, EPIC!

Kasie West knows how to write an unforgettable story with amazing characters, hella cute romances, and great plot twist. I really am gonna miss this series. Kasie is defiantly on my authors to watch for list! I must read more stories by her! I defiantly recommend this for fans of dystopian, scifi, romance, and the paranormal.
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