Review Detail

4.6 14
Young Adult Fiction 1449
A perfect and unique adaptation of Alice In Wonderland for the YA Group!
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**I received an ARC (Uncorrected Proof) of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.**

SPLINTERED is probably one of my best 2012 reads.And I am absolutely not exaggerating when I say that.A.G. Howard's version of the world on the other side of the looking glass that Lewis Carroll had created for us so long ago is one that you'll keep wanting to relive over and over again until you have every nook and corner memorized in your head.I have read this book from the start to the finish THREE times and every time I read it,I still find new things that I haven't noticed or haven't thought of before.Remember when you look for a book to buy in hardcover that you'll re-read again and again whenever you've got spare time?Well SPLINTERED is definitely that type of book.It has the right amount of action,adventure,fantasy and yes,as I dare say it,romance.Though there is a slight love triangle alert.But then again,what YA novel is complete without a love triangle?Us teenagers devour those things along with hot guys. ;)

I also loved the author's new concepts of wonderland.The rabbit,the caterpillar,Cheshire Cat...all of the characters which we were familiar with from Alice In Wonderland are brought to a new light and given a new voice.It truly was absolutely fascinating getting to know them all over again.

And last,but not least,the best thing about SPLINTERED is probably its main characters which Carroll definitely should have included in his version of Wonderland.Their roles were set wonderfully to fit in with the story and all of their dialogues were really fun to read.Here's a bit more about them:

Alyssa: Descendant of Alice Liddell,the Alice from Alice In Wonderland.But she's totally different from the Alice we are familiar with.I bet Alice wouldn't dare step on a skateboard or get dreadlocks for her hair.*snickers* If Lewis Carroll was alive right now,he'd probably have a heart attack if he saw Alice's descendant.

"I have this character flaw?Called dignity?"

Jeb: Alyssa's long-time crush.Hot guy alert!This guy's absolutely awesome(and the first fictional crush I've ever had who ISN'T a bad boy) but he's got a piercing on his lip so I'm not sure if my mum would approve of him.But he's totally swoonworthy.He's protective of Alyssa and is an artist too. Alyssa's quite lucky to have a guy like that by her side.To be frank,I'm jealous!

“I go where Al goes, dances-with-bugs. And just so you know, if anything happens to her,
I'll pin you by your wings to a corkboard and use you for dart practice.”

Morpheus: A mysterious character in Wonderland who gets Alyssa's heart racing.In other words,he's the bad boy of this story.Anything more than that would be counted as spoilers.

"Mysterious. Rebellious. Troubled. All those qualities women find irresistible."

SPLINTERED is one book you definitely do not want to miss out on.It will make you see Alice In Wonderland from a whole new aspect and who knows?Maybe it might make you pick up the unabridged version all over again,and this time not because it is included in your school curriculum.
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