Review Detail

4.6 74
Young Adult Fiction 1256
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Reader reviewed by Hillary

Melinda has no friends all because of something that she did last year. She called the police on a high school party and now she has to live with the consequences. The entire school hates her and they don't even know why she called the police. If they knew, everything would be different but for now, Melinda has to get over this out on her own.

Speak was written by Laurie Halse Anderson. It is taught in schools all over the country. Just a few days ago I saw a big stack of these in the back of my English teacher's class room. I bought mine in eighth grade and have loved it ever since. I think that this book is amazing. There aren't really words to describe it. The characters are all so real and interesting and the writing is phenomenal. If you have never read this then I suggest that you do. You'll be so glad that you did.
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